Seksual Kesihatan wanita

Sengugut! alamak sakitnya

Kalau dah namanya perempuan, setiap bulan terpaksalah hadapi senggugut ni. Kalau sakit sedikit tak apa, kadangkala sampai tak boleh berjalan. Ada yang sampai demam sehingga kena telan biji panadol nak hilangkan rasa sakit.

Sesetengah orang sakit teruk sehingga perlu pergi ke klinik minta ‘MC’, kalau nasib tak bagus, doktor tak bagi. Kalau tak berjaya dapatkan ‘MC’, terpaksalah menahan sakit dan teruskan kerja seperti biasa.

Petua orang dulu-dulu, letakkan tuam panas di bahagian ari-ari dan pinggang untuk hilangkan sakit dan lenguh-lenguh. Minyak dan krim panas juga menjadi kawan baik ketika sakit Sedap dan lega terasa panas-panas di bahagian perut dan pinggang. Gunakan produk kami ‘Phytoheat”untuk legakan sengugut dengan segera.Diluar negara pula, remaja menggunakan kaedah ‘hot water bottle’ dimana air panas diisi didalam botol air dan diletak di bahagian ari-ari dan pinggang untuk merasa selesa.

Senggugut berpunca dari pengecutan otot rahim untuk membuang dinding uterus sewaktu haid (period). Apabila pengecutan terlalu kuat, ia menekan saluran darah berdekatan. Ini menyebabkan kekurangan bekalan oksigen ke rahim. Kekurangan bekalan oksiden inilah punca sakit senggugut.

Nak kurangkan sakit senggugut bolehlah amalkan senaman yang berfokus di bahagian pelvik untuk kurangkan tekanan pada otot dan melancarkan saluran darah. Seterusnya ialah pemakanan, ambil suplemen yang mempunyai 95% cucumin (kunyit) piawaian untuk membantu melegakan sakit senggugut.

Penjagaan luaran juga sepenting penjagaan dalam. Pembersihan peribadiwanita juga penting untuk mengelakkan infeksi/jangkitan di sekitar vagina yang boleh membawa kepada penyakit lain.

Feminine wash kami (V wash) ialah pembersih vagina. Pembersih wanita kami mempunyai aktiviti antibakteria, antivirus & anti fungi (fungal). Ianya lembut & bantu elak dari masalah kering, gatal dan bau kurang nyaman.



Penyakit Kesihatan wanita

Urinary tract infection in woman

35% of healthy women suffer symptoms of UTI at some stages in their life. About 5% of women each year suffer with the problem of painful urination.


Urinary tract infection is less common in men than in women because the male urethra is long, making it difficult for bacteria to spread to the bladder. Urinary tract infection may be caused by a sexually transmitted disease. Sometimes a stone in the urinary tract blocks the flow of urine and causes an infection.

Urinary tract infection is a common infections that happen when bacteria, often from the skin or rectum, enter the urethra, and infect the urinary tract. The infections can affect several parts of the urinary tract, but the most common type is a bladder infection.

Seksual Kesihatan lelaki

The side effects of a long erection

The main side effects of a long erection is oxygen deprivation. The blood trapped in the penis is deprived of oxygen. When an erection lasts for too long usually more than four hours, it is a problem. This lack of oxygen can begin to damage or destroy tissues in the penis. Untreated priapism can cause erectile dysfunction. Consult the doctor immediately, if  If the condition is not treated immediately, it can lead to scarring and permanent erectile dysfunction.


Seksual Kesihatan lelaki

How stress decrease you desire

You must have heard this saying " stress is the pleasure killer''. Yes this is true. Stress actually makes you sad, angry and cannot perform. In the case of an erection, stress and anxiety can interrupt how your brain sends messages to the penis to allow extra blood flow. The nervous system, blood vessels, muscles, hormones, and emotions all play a role in your erection. Stress and anxiety may trigger an increased production or stress hormones and a lower level of testosterone which plays a role in your sex drive.

Stress man reduced libido
Stress man reduced libido

Seksual Kesihatan lelaki

A healthy man have a better libido

If you are healthy and well, you have better sexual desire. Healthy habits and lifestyle changes can increase libido, improve your sex life, and address issues such as erectile & female dysfunction.

Nutrition plays and important part and "IMMUNE BOOSTER' below have all the Vitamins, minerals, special compounds, respiratory enhance supplements are all in to provide the energy for a better sexual life.


Erectile dysfunction

In Malaysia, people have used tongkat ali, ubi jaga and others. These plants are claimed for increasing libido and there is no valid scientific document saying so. These plants are known only to increase energy and not to increase libido although these plants contain male hormone estrogen. Our extensive research have shown a combination of certain plant and natural extracts actually have sexual enhancement function. Therefore we have combined Beimann Capsule and Beimann serum together for enhancing libido in Man. In just 2 to 3 minutes you can enjoy the wonderfulness of a 'strong manhood'

This is to increase the energy. Just take 2 capsules a day. One in the morning and one in the night.

This is to enhance the libido. Just rub for 1 to 3 mins on your intimate area.

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