Penjagaan kulit Nutrisi & Pemakanan

Makanan sahur paling best? Dahlah tambah tenaga, kulit jadi putih pulak tu.

Nak tenaga masa sahur? Tak payah minum m*lo, penuh dengan gula & buat nak terberak je. Baik minum Glutacol Plus, dahlah tinggi tenaga, boleh buat kulit cerah pulak tu.

Bila puasa, badan kita akan detox dengan semulajadi. Glutacol tolong tingkatkan lagi proses detox ni sebab ada Glutathione.

Tak percaya cuba try. Glutathione memang terbukti tingkatkan tenaga badan & cerahkan kulit. Ambil 1 sachet sebelum sahur, seharian akan rasa bertenaga.



Nutrisi & Pemakanan

Lepas beranak body makin mantap, suami nak tambah lagi anak

Selalu dengar cerita lepas bersalin, si ibu makin mengembang. Sebelum mengandung macam lidi, lepas beranak baju dah tak muat.

Tapi ada yang lepas beranak, badan naik, kemudian turun balik & badan jadi berbentuk, langsing & slim. Bentuk badan jadi lebih menggoda.

Nak cepat turun berat mestilah kena bersenam & diet. Suplemen langsing badan Garcinia Plus pun jangan lupa. Lepas minum, badan lagi banyak tenaga, selera makan kurang & lemak dibakar lagi cepat.

Seksual Nutrisi & Pemakanan

2024: Peha gelebeh, lengan besar, perut kedepan .2025: Eh, dah kurus?

Dari 2020 azam nak kurus, eh sedar-sedar dah 2024. Asyik postpone ke tahun depan. Sampai sudah tak kurus-kurus. Bila lagi nak pakai baju saiz M atau L. Asyik-asyik 3XL/4XL. Baju raya pun kadang-kadang tak ada saiz.

Nak makan ubat kurus tapi takut ada kesan buruk pada buah pinggang. Tapi ini kisah 2024, sekarang dah 2025, berat badan daripada 93kg dah turun ke 62kg!

Semuanya sebab Garcinia Plus. Suplemen buatan Dr ni boleh tambah tenaga untuk bersenam, kurangkan selera makan & bakar lemak lagi cepat. Dalam beberapa hari dah nampak kesan. Saiz pinggang makin kecik beberapa cm.

Diet & bersenam tetap kene buat. Tapi suplemen tambahan ni lagi cepatkan proses untuk kurus. Sekarang dah boleh pakai baju saiz M. Mungkin tahun depan saiz S?

Nutrisi & Pemakanan

Patutlah muka banyak jerawat, rupanya hati kotor!

Eh hati ”kotor” macam mana? Hati/liver ialah tempat proses untuk buang segala toksik daripada badan. Jadi bila hati dah terlebih beban, hati tak dapat buang toksik dengan baik. Jadi badan pun cuba buang toksik melalui kulit.

Patutlah jerawat!

Kalau dah pakai banyak skincare, but your skin doesn’t care? Makan ubat untuk elokkan hati. Hati dah elok, barulah boleh detoks badan dengan lebih baik.

Livclean ialah tonik hati untuk pastikan hati kita berfungsi dengan mantap.

Nutrisi & Pemakanan

Sedihnya Selalu Kene ‘Bodyshaming’

Hmmm sedihnya asyik-asyik kene body shaming. Mesti rasa annoyed and make you rasa nak lose weight secepat mungkin. As we all know, one of the way untuk kurangkan berat is by exercise tapi tahu tak sebenarnya ada satu buah tempatan yang boleh bantu untuk kurangkan berat badan?

Buah yang boleh bantu korang tak lain tak bukan asam gelugur! Mesti susah nak percayakan sebab orang selalu guna asam gelugur ni dalam masakan je. Asam gelugur atau nama saintifiknya Garcinia Cambogia ini sebenarnya dapat membakar lemak-lemak yang terkumpul dalam dalam badan dan tukarkan ia kepada tenaga.

Ini kerana asam gelugur boleh tingkatkan metabolisme badan. Sesiapa yang susah nak kawal pemakanan tu, maybe juga boleh consider untuk ambil supplement ini sebab korang boleh bakar lebih banyak kalori.

Tapi takkan hari-hari nak makan asam gelugur kan? Jangan risau, korang boleh cuba ambil suplemen Nabisar Garcinia Plus hanya dua sachet sehari! Kan senang tu. After this you dont have to listen to all the annoying insults about your body!

Nutrisi & Pemakanan

Unraveling the Gut Puzzle: Exploring the Dynamic Duo of Probiotics and Prebiotics in the Intestine

The intricate ecosystem within our digestive system plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health, and at the heart of this complexity are probiotics and prebiotics. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of these microscopic warriors and understand how they collaborate to promote a harmonious and healthy gut.

Probiotics: The Guardians of Gut Health

Probiotics are living microorganisms, primarily bacteria and yeast, that confer health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts. They act as the frontline defenders of our digestive tract, creating a balance that is essential for optimal functioning. Found in fermented foods like yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut, as well as in supplement form, probiotics contribute to a thriving gut microbiome.

These friendly bacteria serve multiple functions:

Maintaining Microbial Balance: Probiotics help keep harmful bacteria in check, preventing them from overpowering the beneficial ones. This balance is crucial for proper digestion and nutrient absorption.

Boosting Immunity: A significant portion of our immune system resides in the gut. Probiotics play a role in supporting immune function, helping the body defend against infections and diseases.

Enhancing Nutrient Absorption: Certain probiotics assist in breaking down complex food compounds, facilitating the absorption of essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals.

Prebiotics: Fueling the Microbial Symphony

While probiotics are the stars of the show, prebiotics act as their supporting cast. Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that serve as a food source for probiotics, stimulating their growth and activity. Common sources of prebiotics include fibrous fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

Key roles of prebiotics include:

Nourishing Probiotics: Prebiotics provide the essential nutrients that probiotics need to thrive. This symbiotic relationship ensures a robust and diverse community of beneficial microorganisms.

Promoting Gut Barrier Function: Prebiotics contribute to the integrity of the intestinal barrier, preventing the infiltration of harmful substances and pathogens. A strong gut barrier is vital for overall health.

Regulating Bowel Movements: By promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria, prebiotics contribute to regular bowel movements and help alleviate conditions such as constipation.

The Synergy of Probiotics and Prebiotics: A Holistic Approach to Gut Health

The true magic happens when probiotics and prebiotics join forces. This synergistic relationship, known as synbiotics, maximizes the benefits for our digestive system. Consuming a balanced diet that includes both probiotic-rich foods and prebiotic sources is key to nurturing a flourishing gut microbiome.

In conclusion, understanding the dynamic interplay between probiotics and prebiotics is pivotal for maintaining a healthy gut and, consequently, overall well-being. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of the gut puzzle, harnessing the power of these microscopic allies opens new avenues for promoting digestive health and beyond.

Nutrisi & Pemakanan

Can Turmeric Pure Boost Your Immunity? Unveiling the Power Within!

Absolutely! Turmeric, renowned for its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, indeed has the potential to give your immune system a powerful boost.

Unraveling the Benefits:
1. Curcumin Content:
Turmeric contains curcumin, a bioactive compound known for its anti-inflammatory effects. This can help regulate the immune system and enhance its responsiveness.

2. Antioxidant Armor:
The antioxidants in turmeric contribute to neutralizing free radicals, protecting cells from damage. A robust immune system requires a healthy cellular environment.

3. Immune Modulation:
Turmeric has been linked to modulating the activation of immune cells, promoting a balanced response to pathogens and strengthening the body’s defense mechanisms.

4. Respiratory Support:
With its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric may provide respiratory support, especially beneficial during seasonal challenges.

5. Gut Health Harmony:
A healthy gut is crucial for a strong immune system. Turmeric aids in maintaining gut health, fostering a balanced and thriving microbiome.

How to Incorporate Turmeric:

Add turmeric to your daily meals.
Enjoy a cup of turmeric tea.
Consider turmeric supplements (after consulting with a healthcare professional).
Important Note:
While turmeric offers promising immune-boosting benefits, it’s essential to embrace a holistic approach to health. This includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient rest.

In conclusion, turmeric, with its rich curcumin content, has the potential to be a valuable ally in fortifying your immune system. However, individual responses may vary, and it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice. Incorporate turmeric into your wellness routine and unveil the immune-boosting power within! #TurmericImmunity #WellnessJourney

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